Monday, 11 April 2016

Participate - ESCO online consultation to improve the transparency of occupations, skills and qualifications in the Optical engineering subsector

ESCO is a multilingual classification of European Skills, Competences, Qualifications, and Occupations to:

  • enhance the functioning of the labour market,
  • bridge the communication gap between the world of work and the world of education and training,
  • improve cooperation between public and private employment services and education and training institutions,
  • reduce skill gaps by finding the jobs matching the skills of people - across borders and language barriers.

The Commission’s services invite photonics stakeholders to contribute with their expertise to the development of ESCO to gather further input and feedback in the Optical engineering subsector. 

Provide your feedback via an online consultation platform. On this platform, the Commission opened three occupations in the manufacturing of electrical equipment, electronics and optical products sector for additional input,

The online consultation is open until 15 April 2016.

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