The European Technology Platform Photonics21 unites the majority of the leading photonics industries and relevant R&D stakeholders along the whole economic value chain throughout Europe. Today ...
The Photonics21 association is an international non-profit association with scientific purpose governed by the provisions of Title 3 of the Belgium Law of twenty-seventh of June nineteen hundred ...
Setting photonics research and innovation Prorities for the Horizon Europe Work Programmes lies in the heart of the Photonics Partnership tasks.
The Photonics Partnership acts as a "mouthpiece" of the European Technology Platform Photonics21 (and its more than 4,000 members) towards the European Commission.
Photonics21 is composed of several bodies. You can find more information on the structure of the platform in the following sections.
The Board of Stakeholders (BoS) is the main decision-making body of the platform. In particular, the BoS bears responsibility for:
The Executive Board (EB) is the managing body of the platform. The EB is responsible for the coordination and execution of the platform operations, for the preparation and the implementation of the ...
The Photonics21 Work Groups (WGs) are the main centres of activities within Photonics21. They focus on the development of the work group specific research and innovation priorites and the update of ...
Early 2020, with the onset of COVID-19, digital infrastructure became an even more essential part of our personal and professional lives, acting as a 'lifeblood' the likes of which we have never seen ...
The Grand Challenges facing European research are well-documented. Digitisation, and a sustainable and circular approach for manufacturing and materials, will be the basis for a competitive, ...
The European population is ageing increasingly: the number of people today older than 65 relative to those in the working-age is assumed to double by 2045. Since age is a major factor for a higher ...
Photonics plays a role in the targets of Decarbonisation towards Zero Emission Road Transport, Clean Energy Transition, the Industrial Battery Value Chain, Renewable Energy with photovoltaics, energy ...
A key responsibility of government is to keep its citizens protected and to make them feel safe. This can be accomplished on three levels: (1) Civilian empowerment, (2) Law enforcement and public ...
By 2030, the technology to feed a world population of 10 billion, push back food-borne illness, and reduce the environmental footprint of agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture needs to be in place. ...
Photonics will play a vital role in addressing the key socio-economic challenges facing Europe in the 21st century. As examples, we may note the following:
The Mirror Group constitutes the public complement to the industry-led Photonics21 Board of Stakeholders. It supports and reflects ("mirrors") the activities of Photonics21 at policy level and from a ...
The financing of innovative photonics companies in their different growth phases is a serious problem in Europe. Thats why Photonics21 strives to improve the access to financing for European photonics ...
Several European pilot lines, which help companies take photonics technologies from lab into market, have been launched by the Photonics Partnership. The pilot lines mean that companies will be able ...
The Photonics Partnership supports various projects with the aim of bringing photonics into the education system of Europe. In this sector we dive a bit deeper into this projects.
There are regular Photonics Calls for Proposals published by the European Commission. The Photonics21 community is the dedicated body to define the European call topics for photonics.
The most relevant and recent publications from Photonics21 and the Photonics PPP can be found and downloaded in this section.
The EU-funded METAMORPHA project will create a single, fully electric, digital device based on ultrashort pulse laser micromachining. It will replace the mechanical and chemical processes on many ...
POLYNICES aims to address these challenges with the development of a novel general purpose photonic integration technology, compatible with wafer scale processes that will reduce the production costs ...
BROMEDIR will make an important step towards meeting the related need, using Neospectra as a Spectroscopy Development Platform, targeting though the development of a radically new spectrometer with ...
New report reveals how a record-breaking $792 billion in R&D funding is driving growth in photonics, supporting technological advances across business and defence applications. New study from ...
Photonics21 has launched the Photonics21 Innovation Award 2025. This dedicated Innovation Challenge seeks to push for more entrepreneurship in photonics. The Photonics21 Innovation Award addresses PhD ...
As of the closing date on 5 November 2024, 140 Photonics21 members participated in the two-week online election for the Photonics21 Board of Stakeholders - reflecting an impressive turnout of 79.54% ...
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