W3+ Fair Wetzlar

2024 13–14 March

For the 10th time now companies from the enabling technologies sector will meet at the W3+ Fair in Wetzlar. This year, around 200 exhibitors, partners and sponsors will present themselves. In total, companies from 11 countries will be present. In addition to news from optics, photonics, electronics and mechanics, inspiring side events on space travel, automotive, AI and fusion energy will offer a wide range of insights into the developments of tomorrow. This makes the W3+Fair an exciting place to go for all experts who want to stay up to date.

The accompanying en-tech.talks conference will once again feature big names and exciting topics this year. The stage program starts with prominent speakers from Carl Zeiss SMT, OptoTech, Leica Camera, the Bosch Home Comfort Group and the JLU Justus Liebig University. More than 30 renowned speakers will be giving talks.

Photonics21 President Dr. Lutz Aschke, CEO Photonics Systems Group, will provide a keynote presentation entitled "The future of photonics in Europe" at the en-tech stage on 14 March 2024 at 11.30 am.

For any further details please visit the event website.


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