Summer School on Topological Photonics

2019 08–12 July

ITMO University invites you to take part in the Summer School on Topological Photonics for PhD, Master students, engineers, postdocs and researchers. Topological photonics is a new fast-growing branch of modern optics. It features an exciting physics and fascinating applications, especially in disorder-robust and non-reciprocal devices, which promise to introduce novel fundamental concepts in photonics and optoelectronics in the nearest future. The world's best experts will give lectures grouped into a 5-day course on topological photonics. The course will start from the fundamentals and will cover the latest achievements as well. The practical classes will help you to get the skills necessary for conducting your own scientific research in this new exciting area of physics. The School is organized by the Research Center of Nanophotonics and Metamaterials of ITMO University. This year the School will be held within the scope of the IV International Conference on Metamaterials and Nanophotonics "METANANO 2019".

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