2023 20 September

Join us for a unique Prague Next-Gen Tech Meet-up on the 20th September at 14:00 at HiLASE Center, Za Radnicí 828, Dolní Břežany, focusing on photonics, micro-optics and 2D materials for industry. Our confirmed speakers are Harry Heinzelmann from CSEM, Jan Hesse from JR, Nathalie Debaes from VUB, Ioanna Zergioti from NTUA and Miika Soikkeli from VTT. We are excited to organize our next AMIRES deep tech ecosystem event in cooperation with HiLASE. The event is intended for companies that are interested to: -Develop new products using cutting-edge technology and services -Take advantage of public funding by applying in open calls -Explore the latest trends -Access technologically advanced test infrastructures and pilot lines in the Czech Republic and abroad (test before invest) -Be part of international consortia and projects -Looking for technological advice Please register on the following link:

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