The Workshop Photonics4Agrifood - Photonics Technologies for the Agrifood Value Chain is organized by the Italian photonics platform, AEIT-CORIFI in collaboration with Lombardy Region, Confindustria Lombardia, Finlombarda, European Enterprise Network, Simpler and the National Research Council of Italy.
The workshop aims to
- to present and discuss the potential of photonics in leveraging innovation in the agrifood sector
- to establish and strengthen sinergy and collaboration between photonics manufacturers and end-users
- to identify partners at regional, national and european level and to complete the value chain
- to promote investments in the field of Photonics manufacturing
The workshop addresses
- Agrifood enterprises, aiming at innovation through digitization and enabling technologies
- Photonic technology manufacturers
- Clusters, DIH and competence centers
- Investors and funding bodies
- Universities, higher education and research centers