Photonics 4 Sustainable Environment

2021 18 May

Photonics Finland in cooperation with Photonics Austria organise this workshop that aims to start a conversation about how photonics drives sustainability. Photonics enables high-tech solutions in many industries which contribute to protecting the environment and preserving resources.

From reduced material consumption through to saving energy the impact of Photonics is evident. A recent study suggests that photonics applications have the potential to contribute to 3 billion tons less CO2 output already by 2030.

In this webinar we will discuss global environmental challenges, the potential of photonics to solve those challenges and the potential, diversity, and capacity for innovation of photonics as an 'enabler' of sustainability. We will bring those topics also up for discussion in a Q&A with the speakers and during the matchmaking.

This webinar aims to bring together all industries that are implementing sustainable practices and the photonics industry, so join us, hear, and discuss about Photonics as a driver of sustainability.

What can you expect:

  • 2,5h webinar with a variety of speakers
  • 0,5h Q&A with the speakers
  • 1h matchmaking

Find further information and register for the event by 16th of May at the following LINK

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