2018 17–20 February

SPIE Student Chapter of the University of Trento in collaboration with 14 other European SPIE and OSA Student Chapters will host the 6th International Symposium on Optics and its Applications (OPTICS-2018) on February 17-20, 2018 in Trento, Italy. The goal of this symposium is to bring together experienced and young scientists from various countries working in the field of optics, and to provide a perfect setting for their discussions of the most recent developments in that area. The Symposium will provide a good opportunity for contacts and information exchange between experts and students. 14 invited speakers from 10 European Research Institutions will present their talks on different research topics. During the Symposium, a special section will be dedicated to the professional development lectures from the academy and industry points of view. Students will have a chance to present their research with oral presentations as well as posters.

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