Integrated photonics for sensing

2021 17 June

As many sensing applications already make use of light, solid-state integration on a Photonic Integrated Circuit (PIC) enables significant reduction of size, weight, manufacturing costs, and power consumption while improving reliability, in comparison to the assembling and packaging of multiple discrete photonics components and bulk optics. This makes next generation sensor systems available for a much bigger variety of markets.

In this webinar, we will be addressing the most developed sensing areas in which integrated photonics is being implemented: industrial fiber optic sensing, bio & life science sensors as well as sensing for agrifood.

UK-NL Integrated photonics for sensing 17 June 16:00-17:30 CEST / 15:00-16:30 BST

Moderator: Alison McLeod - Photonics Scotland

Learn how your organisation can benefit through different break-out rooms that will include expert speakers from both British and Dutch organisations that are considered to be leaders in the field.

Each break-out room will have time for discussion amongst the audience and speakers.

At the end of the event, we plan to continue the discussion through a virtual networking tool. Here, you will be able to interact with both speakers and audience in a virtual setting.

Break-out room 1: Industrial fiber optic sensing Design, construction, maintenance and upgrading of complex engineering infrastructures and equipment like bridges, dikes and airplanes, requires fresh thinking to minimize use of materials, energy and labour as well as to ensure safety and reliability.

These objectives can only be achieved by an in-depth understanding of the performance of the infrastructure, both during its construction and throughout its design life. Fiber optic sensing is a powerful minimally invasive technology for effective monitoring and evaluation of the integrity and performance.

Gilberto Brambilla, professor in photonics at the University of Southampton and Deputy Director & General Manager of The Future Hub in Photonics (UK) will guide you into the topic and give some examples of highly challenging sensing projects.

Anna Nikiel, VP Business Development at PhotonFirst (NL) will take it further and explain how they transform ideas for photonic sensing of critical applications into successful volume production.

Break-out room 2: Bio & life science sensors The healthcare system is looking for innovative ways to cope with the need to provide effective patientcare at affordable cost to an ever increasing and ageing population.

We currently see a shift towards increased prevention and early diagnostics performed outside of hospitals, e.g. at the general practitioner or even at home. This drives the need for affordable but accurate instruments. Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs) offer the possibility to realise a large variety of sensors which can be both accurate as well as very cheap in volume.

In this break-out room, Thomas Harvey, Healthcare Photonics Lead of the Center for Process Innovation Limited (UK) will talk about the importance of photonic innovation in the medical area.

Luc Scheres, CTO at Surfix (NL), will then discuss the development of highly sensitive but affordable biosensors for Point-of-Care diagnostics.

Break-out room 3: Sensing for agrifood An ever-increasing population is also increasing the need for efficient farming. Optimized processes and new technologies will help to provide plants or animals the precise treatment they need.

By introducing a combination of technologies such as GPS, robotics and miniaturized biosensors we can optimize production and distribution, which means more sustainable crops, increased food safety and less waste.

Adam Slate works for Bx Technology, where he heads up a team that engages on all market ready Agtech solutions and near market ready trials. Adam will talk about the sensing needs in the sector and give some examples of photonic sensing use-cases.

Maurangelo Petruzzella from MantiSpectra (NL) will introduce you to the world of NIR spectroscopy on-a-chip. They have succeeded in squeezing an entire spectroscopy lab onto a single chip, allowing the agrifood sector to optimize the growing conditions of their crops on the spot.

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