2020 06 May

Photonics industry is growing significantly across the Europe and companies in this field are constantly in need of new employees.

Joensuu Photonics Education Path Project (JFK) piloted a unique Photonics education pathway from second degree to PhD to meet the needs of businesses.

Future Education in Photonics webinar will showcase the training that has been delivered and learn from good practices but also look into the future training needs.

This event is for companies and operators in the field of Photonics, but also for educational institutions interested in developing Photonics education.

PROGRAM (in Finnish time)

12.30–12.45 Summary of JFK-project trainings and good practices learned

12:45–13.00 Photonics in Joensuu: Five Decades of Shining Light, Jyrki Saarinen, Institute of Photonics

13:00–14.15 World-Class Knowledge in Photonics Education • Paul Urbach, Professor, Optics Research Group of TUDelft, University of Delft, Netherlands • Alain Tremeau, Vice Rector, International collaboration, Université Jean Monnet, France • Christian Helgert, CEO, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Abbe Center of Photonics & Abbe school of Photonics, Germany • Chrys Panayiotou, Executive Director, Principal Investigator, Indian River State College / The Center for Laser and Fiber Optics Education, LASER-TEC , Florida, USA

14.15–15.00 Panel discussion, Global education in photonics • Paul Urbach, Professor, Optics Research Group of TUDelft, University of Delft, Netherlands • Alain Tremeau, Vice Rector, International collaboration, Université Jean Monnet, France • Christian Helgert, CEO, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Abbe Center of Photonics & Abbe School of Photonics, Germany • Chrys Panayiotou, Executive Director, Principal Investigator, Indian River State College / The Center for Laser and Fiber Optics Education, LASER-TEC , Florida, USA • Jyrki Saarinen, Professor, UEF/Institute of Photonics

5.05–15.25 Future steps, Juha Purmonen,

15:25-15:30 Closing

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