Biophotonics and Imaging Graduate Summer School (BIGSS`18)

2018 28–01 Aug–Sep

The Bi-annual Biophotonics and Imaging Summer School (BIGSS’18) will be held AUGUST 28 - SEPTEMBER 1 2018 in Galway, Ireland. It is a five ECTS accredited course with leading professors teaching for approx. four hours each to give a substantial grounding in the main topics of Biophotonics in the picturesque village of Ballyvaughan in the Burren. This will be augmented with hands on training at NUI Galway.

Fee: €900 including courses, excursion to Bunratty Castle for Medieval Banquet, accommodation and food during the Summer School. One day (September 3) participation at Photonics Ireland 2018, including the Biophotonics session is also included.

The registration page is here:

Interested candidates should send the completed abstract to BIGSS 2018 (

Download abstract template.

Deadline for submissions: April 27, 2018

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