The Joint Focus Group on Quantum Photonics Integrated Circuits have scheduled a digital workshop on 6th October, 2021 at 9:30 am.
Following up on the Position Paper that has been created in a joint effort, this workshop has the aim to discuss and to identify the future research and innovation priorities for Quantum PICs.
The priorities identified will then feed into the Horizon Europe Work Program 2023/2024.
The agenda will include the following topics:
- Welcome
- Infrastructure - Pilot Lines and RTOs (impulse presentations)
- PIC needs in the four Quantum Pillars (impulse presentations)
- Discussion of most pressing and challenging PIC needs
- Networking sessions
You can download the full agenda
This workshop is the first of two workshops. The follow up workshop will be held in the frame of the European Quantum Technologies Conference (EQTC) on 1st December, 2021.
Feedback to the workshop and further input can be provided via email.