Tuesday, 10 November 2020

More than 250 participants joint the online event Photonics21 towards Horizon Europe - Presentation on the PhotonHub project now available

More than 250 European photonics experts joint the successful online event "Photonics21 towards Horizon Europe" which was held on 5th November 2020 from 10.00 - 12.00 am.

The European photonics community was informed by the European Commission on the latest developments towards a new European Photonics Partnership in Horizon Europe. The Photonics21 secretariat informed on the latest Photonics21 activities as well as the new structure of the Photonics21 platform. In the further meeting Tematys provided some insights and first results of the European photonics market study which is currently in its final stages and will be published at the beginning of 2021. Finally, Photonics21 Executive Board member Hugo Thienpont who will be coordinating the new European project PhotonHub Europe informed the participants on the structure and aims of the projects.

Thanks to the active discussions in the question & answer sessions the online event provided a lively virtual debate in this challenging Corona time.

A recorded version of the event is now available in case you missed the online event or like to watch it again, please go to the Photonics21 YouTube channel.

You can further download the presentation by Hugo Thienpont on the PhotonHub Europe project.

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