This event will inform you about the topics addressed in the ICT30-PHOTONICS KET (Key Enabling Technology) call, covering a number of different areas and with a budget of 89 M€.
The call addresses several areas with different funding schemes. The specific challenges for Photonics are to sustain competitiveness & leadership in market sectors where Europe is strong (communications, medical photonics, sensing), to seize new opportunities, to strengthen the manufacturing base, boost the innovation capacity of SMEs and leverage innovation in clusters & national platforms.
ICT30.a Research and Innovation Actions
- Application driven core photonic technology developments for agile Petabit/s Optical Core and Metro Networks
- Photonic integrated circuit (PIC) technology
- Disruptive approaches to optical manufacturing by 2 and 3 D opto-structuring
ICT30.b Innovation Actions
- Innovation Incubator for SMEs
- Application driven core photonic devices integrated in systems
Focus is on:
- Biophotonics: imaging systems for in-depth disease diagnosis
- Sensing for process and product monitoring and analysis
ICT30.c Coordination and Support actions
- Supporting the industrial strategy for photonics in Europe
The call text is available on the Participant Portal.
The infoday will also allow participants to present their ideas for proposal -in the specific context of seeking partners- and to network with other participants. Moreover, it will be possible to ask Commission staff questions related to proposal ideas.
Due to the expected high number of participants, you are encouraged to attend only the thematic session of your direct interest.