Wednesday, 08 June 2016

Photonics PPP - Seeking Financing Opportunities beyond Horizon 2020

Seeking bottom-up and top-down opportunities to improve the Venture Capital Financing of photonics was a major topic of the 2. European Photonics Venture Forum in Eindhoven, which aims to bring together entrepreneurs, investors, corporates and policy makers to market the photonics sector to a wider investor community and create channels to finance for high-potential photonics businesses.

The Photonics PPP supported the event and is closely working with public and private fund-holders to seek additional funding beyond Horizon 2020 and better channel funding to where it’s needed.

At his introductional Key Note Speech Photonics21 Vice President Giorgio Anania, gave an overview on the current financial situation of photonics companies and also looked at the competitive gaps many entrepreneurs and SME’s face in Europe versus those markets with a much larger developed VC scene. He also looked at the tasks to do to make use of the chances the public financing tools by the EU institutions (EIB/EIF, InnoFin) offered for Key Enabling Technologies. A new Photonics PPP Task Force set up bringing together internal and external experts is striving to open up new sources of financing for photonics.

To read more click on the link below:

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